13 January 2007

the east coast/west coast prep war continues



The Mrs. said...

Hysterical! Please keep your blog going!!! Love it! Putting you on my blog roll.

Muffy said...

HILARIOUS! I raise my glass to you! :)

Benjamin M. Dasher said...

I read about this when it came out - I must say, I'm not wholly surprised. Californians are too "beachy" too appreciate that which is preppy. I lived in California for 21 years and I find the preppy lifestyle is much more appreciated on the East coast.

Hopsy said...

I just wanted to let you all know I simply adore you book and all the cute postcards I somehow got!

Anonymous said...

I am a prep school student living in California. I do find that west coast preps are just a tad overly dramatic compared to their east coast counter parts!